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EMPOWERED Solutions Webinar: Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pumps—Efficacy and Building Readiness



Discover how heat pumps are transforming buildings in cold climates, including multifamily and commercial buildings.

Heat pump technology has been around for years. Today improved technology, the move toward building electrification, and new funding sources are rapidly increasing consumer demand. Heat pumps are now successfully used in all areas of the country. Discover how heat pumps are transforming buildings in cold climates, including multifamily and commercial buildings. Learn about the benefits of switching to a heat pump and how to maximize your investment through cost-effective weatherization.

Topics include:

  • Weatherization strategies that can improve the return on investment of heat pumps
  • Case studies of heat pumps performing well in multifamily/commercial buildings in cold climates
  • Where to go to learn more about the technology and available incentives


Jamie Kono, Research Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (Moderator)
Kevin Frost, Energy Engineer, Slipstream
Jon Harrod, Project Manager, Halco Energy
Jackie Montesdeoca, Director of Building Electrification, Elevate

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