Building Performance Association Calls on Congress to Support Federal Energy Efficiency Programs
February 12, 2018
Media Contact
Katie Miller
Director of Marketing and Communications
Contact: Katie Aronoff
Phone: (412) 551-2601
February 12, 2018 – Washington DC – Today, President Trump released his budget for fiscal year (FY) 2019, which includes a significant cut in funding for residential energy efficiency programs at the Department of Energy (DOE). The Weatherization Assistance Program, Energy STAR and the State Energy Program are zeroed out completely in the President’s budget.
DOE’s residential energy efficiency programs are vital to advancing the affordability of homes across the nation. President Trump has repeatedly claimed to support building America’s infrastructure via housing and homeownership. Slashing funding for programs that advance housing affordability and lowering costly energy bills runs counter to the President’s stated goals. This is the wrong direction for the country.
“As an alliance of like-minded organizations working to ensure all homes are healthy, comfortable and energy efficient, we urge Congress to reject the President’s cuts and demonstrate the priorities of the American people with continued access to affordable, resilient, energy efficient, residential buildings,” said Keith Aldridge of HPC. “Our overarching mission is to support the reduction of home energy use and the creation of energy resilient and sustainable communities, for all Americans.”
The President’s FY19 Budget Requests is similar to his FY18 Budget request that was largely rejected by the House and Senate Appropriations Bills. However, over the next six weeks Congress will attempt to reconcile the Senate and House bills under the Budget Caps finalized last week to agree to a FY18 budget. “HPC urges Congress to seek strong funding for residential efficiency programs in both the FY18 and FY19 appropriations discussions before them.”