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Brighter Vermont: CommunityEnergy Dashboard



See how your Vermont community is doing in building a better energy future.

Find out what your Vermont community is doing to transition to renewables an become more efficient AND find out where your community ranks in the use of solutions that are driving the clean energy transition.

Related Resources

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The Clean Heat Standard White Paper

Read the whitepaper about the Clean Heat Standard Program that would ensure that Vermont’s heat suppliers and local enterprises transform their business's greenhouse gas emissions and fossil heating costs in Vermont buildings.

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Efficiency Vermont: Rewiring America Calculator

Efficiency Vermont offers an energy opportunites calculator to give details about potential incentives available by zip code.

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ACEEE: State Scorecards

The State Scorecard serves as a benchmark for state efforts in terms of economic growth, securing environmental benefits, and increasing communities’ resilience in the face of the uncertain costs and supplies of necessary energy resources.