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Crash Course in Home Performance


Man and woman pose for a photo holding a model home. Text on the photo reads, "Home diagnosis. New online course for homeowners."

Corbett and Grace created a resource-rich 4-module online video course ($29) for anyone who wants more knowledge about home performance. Hours of custom training for homeowners and uninitiated building pros, with exclusive, in-depth video presentations on the entire scope of home performance you can use to make any home healthier, safer, and more comfortable.

Corbett and Grace created a resource-rich 4-module online video course ($29) for anyone who wants more knowledge about home performance. Hours of custom training for homeowners and uninitiated building pros, with exclusive, in-depth video presentations on the entire scope of home performance you can use to make any home healthier, safer, and more comfortable. You also get dozens of additional resources for extra credit, and downloadable resources and worksheets for putting your new talents to work.

  • MODULE 1: The Essentials of Home Performance
  • MODULE 2: Air Sealing
  • MODULE 3: Insulation

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