BPA Releases West Virginia Workforce Development Needs Report
December 7, 2022
The Building Performance Association (BPA) recently published the “West Virginia Workforce Development Needs Assessment,” which is the first step in a longer-term commitment to market transformation.
The report draws upon surveys from BPA’s DOE-funded national needs assessment to determine West Virginia companies’ needs, which will further identify the training and technical support required to grow the local energy efficiency industry. Based on this needs assessment, BPA will continue to work on training and workforce development solutions with the West Virginia State Energy Office.
BPA is currently working with the State of Maine to complete their custom needs assessment and will continue this process with other State Energy Offices around the country.
Click here to view and download this resource.
If your state needs help benchmarking where your contractors are and what they need to grow, please contact State Outreach Coordinator Xavier Walter at xwalter@building-performance.org.