DOE Releases New Home Rebate Program Implementation Documents to Support State Energy Offices
January 25, 2024
An update from the Office of State and Community Energy Programs:
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has released the following resources to help state and territorial energy offices apply for and implement the Home Energy Rebates:
Implementation Request for Proposals (RFP) Guidance for Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates: DOE expects many states will contract with implementation companies to provide the services needed to deliver Home Energy Rebate programs. To do so, most states will need to go through competitive solicitation, which includes a Request for Proposals (RFP). This document provides key recommended components of an RFP for states and territories to conduct competitive solicitations for program implementation. DOE posted the RFP guidance for the Home Efficiency Rebates in December.
Budget Allocation and Tranche Calculator: This calculator will assist states and territories in understanding how their program funds are allocated across the four funding tranches. It also identifies minimum funding and program plan requirements to qualify for each tranche.
Budget Justification Workbook Template: DOE has made several improvements to this resource, including correcting formulas and calculations, clarifying instructions, and adding crosschecks.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): DOE updated the Rebates FAQs to provide program implementers with guidance on the following:
- Is a new heat pump connected to an existing gas furnace allowed?
- Can a part-owner of a multifamily building apply for and receive a rebate as the building’s owner?
- Are mail-in rebates allowed?
- Can the implementer of a state’s Home Energy Rebate program provide the post-installation certificate?
- Is the Disadvantaged Community incentive available for the two Rebate programs?
- Is the direct-air capture incentive separate for the two Rebate programs?
- Can administrative funding be used for consumer loan training?
- Can rebate funds be used to inform rebate applicants of additional funding from non-federal funds?
- For self-attested income verification, is there an acceptable margin of error on the amount of self-reported income?
Stay up to date with Home Energy Rebate Programs.