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Resource Library

The latest resources for the home and building performance industry

Our online resource library contains industry resources, including downloadable PDFs, webinar playbacks, videos, and reports. This library is continually updated to include the latest information and educational content.

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ACEEE Pennsylvania State Energy Efficiency Scorecard

See Pennsylvania's ACEEE scorecard for energy efficiency policy and program efforts.

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ACEEE New York State Energy Efficiency Scorecard

See New York's ACEEE scorecard for energy efficiency policy and program efforts.

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ACEEE New Jersey State Energy Efficiency Scorecard

See New Jersey's ACEEE scorecard for energy efficiency policy and program efforts.

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ACEEE Maryland State Energy Efficiency Scorecard

See Maryland's ACEEE scorecard for energy efficiency policy and program efforts.

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ACEEE Report: Efficient Electric Water Heating Could Slash Multifamily Buildings’ Carbon Emissions 

Read the report which analyzes the ways that heat pump water heating can reduce carbon emissions in our environment by almost half.

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ACEEE Toolkit: Ready-to-Go: State and Local Efforts Advancing Energy Efficiency 

Read the report which discusses federal funding opportunities and programs across the United States that support energy-efficient buildings and transportation, and help train workers in these fields

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The Complete Guide to Digital Marketing Fundamentals for Home Performance Companies 

View the guide which highlights the five pillars of digital marketing, and what home performance companies need to do to establish their online presences as credible, trustworthy, and increase their lead flows.

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IAQ Radio: Joe Lstiburek – Moisture Control for Residential Buildings 

Listen as IAQ Radio and Joe Lstiburek discuss the new edition of his book "Moisture Control for Residential Buildings".

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ACEEE Research Report: Meeting State Climate Goals: Energy Efficiency Will Be Critical 

Read the report which summarizes how state policymakers can leverage energy savings to support a clean power sector, electrify fossil fuel-dependent end uses, reduce economy-wide emissions, and ensure that the transition to a zero-carbon future is equitable and serves the needs of all customers.

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Nate Adams – HVAC 2.0, IAQ, and The Art of the Possible 

Watch as IAQ Radio and Nate Adams discuss existing housing, HVAC, and IAQ.

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Setting the State for Success: An outlook on legislation that could transform your business and the industry

Download the slides from the live webinar that covered the state of Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation, Budget Reconciliation, and FY22 Appropriations

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ACEEE Report: A New Lease on Energy: Guidance for Improving Rental Housing Efficiency at the Local Level 

Read the guide which presents a series of actions that local governments can take to reduce energy use in rental properties, preserve or increase housing affordability, and build the capacity of local communities to design, implement, and evaluate equitable policies.

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ACEEE Report: Community Choice Aggregation and Energy Efficiency: Opportunities, Challenges, and Lessons Learned 

Read the report which examines challenges and strategies that CCAs face in implementing energy efficiency and the potential role for CCAs in energy efficiency deployment.

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Overcoming Weatherization Barriers 

Read the report which reviews currently operating programs that address barriers to weatherizing homes, and a set of recommendations pertaining to accessibility, funding, and improved health, calling attention to the connection between energy conservation and home health efforts.


R-VALUE interview with Kara Saul-Rinaldi on Hope for Homes 

Listen as Kara Saul-Rinaldi speaks with R-Value host Ken Allison about the HOPE for HOMES legislation.

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