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BPA: Navigating DOL & Workforce Boards Webinar
View the recording of BPA's webinar for State Energy Offices, Navigating the Department of Labor & Workforce Boards to Create Effective Energy Workforce Programs.
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On October 23, 2024, the Building Performance Association (BPA) hosted its third webinar in a four-part series dedicating to educating State Energy Office representatives about developing inclusive and sustainable workforce development programs.
Navigating the Department of Labor & Workforce Boards to Create Effective Energy Workforce Programs offers an insightful discussion with industry experts on leveraging Department of Labor resources and workforce boards to enhance energy workforce initiatives.
This panel-style webinar includes curated questions on key topics like collaboration strategies, training grants, and workforce development.
This webinar is the third in BPA’s four-part webinar series for State Energy Offices as part of a project with Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL).
About This Project:
Thanks to support from Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL) and the U.S. Department of Energy Building Technologies Office (DOE BTO), BPA is hosting a series of webinars dedicated to State Energy Offices and staff that will provide insights and experiences learned on how to design and implement effective, inclusive and sustainable state-wide energy workforce development programs. These webinars are exclusive to State Energy Offices and are invite-only.
Be on the lookout for our fourth and final webinar in this series, which is slated for December 11, 2024.
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