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BPA: Webinar Recap – Creating a Culture Shift: Workforce Inclusion Practices



BPA's recap of its webinar for State Energy Offices, BPA: Webinar Recap - Creating a Culture Shift: Workforce Inclusion Practices.

Thanks to support from Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL) and the U.S. Department of Energy Building Technologies Office (DOE BTO), BPA has planned a State Energy Office Webinar series, consisting of 4 webinars between July and December 2024. The goal of these webinars is to provide insights on how State Energy Offices can effectively design and implement inclusive, sustainable state-wide energy workforce development programs.

Check out the recording and slide deck from the first webinar of this series, Creating a Culture Shift: Workforce Inclusion Practices. This presentation covers how State Energy Offices can influence businesses to create a culture shift and make a difference through the development and implementation of new and existing inclusive workforce programs, while providing opportunities that intentionally reach underrepresented populations.

Want to share your thoughts on the webinar? Take 3 minutes to complete the feedback survey.

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