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DOE: IRA Home Efficiency Rebates Request for Proposal (RFP) Guidance



DOE's Request for Proposal guidance provides recommended components for states to include in their competitive solicitations for HOMES program implementation.

The $8.8 billion Home Energy Rebates program provides an unprecedented opportunity for
states, territories, and Tribes to make American homes more comfortable while reducing
energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

Given the complexity and expertise required to plan, design, and execute these programs,
DOE expects many states will contract with implementation organizations to provide the
services needed to deliver effective programs to both single-family homes and multifamily
buildings. To contract with these organizations, most states will need to go through a
competitive solicitation process, which includes a Request for Proposals (RFP).

This document represents key recommended components of an RFP for states and territories to conduct competitive solicitations for program implementation of the Home Efficiency Rebates outlined in Section 50121 of the Inflation Reduction Act.

States must follow their own state policies and procurement practices when soliciting for any sub-recipient or contractor that may receive federal funds. States can only contract for and fund tasks that have been approved under their existing DOE awards. States are also required to segregate and track costs by award.

Download RFP Guidance Document

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