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HUD: Multifamily Utility Benchmarking Toolkit



This toolkit is a comprehensive guide to utility benchmarking for the multifamily sector and includes links to key resources and requirements, tools and reports, case studies, and FAQs.

This toolkit is a comprehensive guide to utility benchmarking for the multifamily sector, organized into three sections.

Benchmarking 101 describes the benefits of tracking utility data and explains how to begin the process of utility benchmarking, including an introduction to ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® and several case studies.

Utility Benchmarking Step-by-Step outlines a six-step approach to utility benchmarking, including developing a strategy that works for your organization, collecting and using utility data, and targeting energy- and water-efficiency improvements.

Policies and Programs summarizes utility benchmarking requirements for various HUD programs, opportunities for financial assistance, and HUD programs that can support property owners in pursuing green retrofits.

Within the toolkit, there are links to key resources and requirements, tools and reports, case studies, and frequently asked questions.

Download a PDF of this toolkit.

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