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NEEP: Community Home Energy Labeling Toolkit



As more communities pursue residential labeling policies and programs, there are many factors to consider. This toolkit provides a schedule of considerations and key decisions, comparisons of common labeling approaches, and example policies that are already in place.

Why Pursue Home Energy Labeling?
Home energy labels provide information similar to a miles-per-gallon rating for a car, often through in-home audits or software that incorporate information on a home’s heating system and age, insulation, windows, and so on.

Residential labeling policies can incentivize or mandate the creation of these labels and their inclusion in processes such as real estate listings, and they enable transparency and valuation of home energy efficiency. The increased transparency and awareness around a home’s energy use equips home buyers and renters with information about operating costs of the building, can encourage efficiency upgrades, and inform homeowners about local utility programs and incentives.

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