Training Library
BPI Building Analyst Professional Training & Exam

After you’ve passed the BPI Building Analyst Technician exam, upgrade your skills to become a Building Analyst Professional.
After you’ve passed the BPI Building Analyst Technician exam, upgrade your skills to become a Building Analyst Professional.
A Building Analyst Professional (BA-P) uses energy modeling software to model the energy upgrade potential of a home and to develop a scope of work. BA-P professionals use the data collected from diagnostic tests to determine how a homeowner can improve the energy efficiency of their home, lower their energy bills, and create a healthier/safe space.
The BPI BA-P Certification is nationally recognized and will underscore your expertise in home performance and energy auditing.
As a BPI Test Center, Everblue administers and proctors the BPI Building Analyst Professional written exam as part of the overall package. Visit our website to learn more!
Cost: $499