Training Library
Combustion Safety and Combustion Safety Testing

We define the Combustion Appliance Zone(s) (CAZ), discuss the combustion process and elements of combustion safety, understand the multiple combustion appliances we may have to evaluate as well as testing protocols and visual examination.
Combustion Safety and Combustion Safety Testing
CEUs: ICC 0.7
This course is about combustion safety in our homes and residences. We will define the Combustion Appliance Zone(s) (CAZ), discuss the combustion process and elements of combustion safety, and understand the multiple combustion appliances we may have to evaluate, as well as testing protocols and visual examination. This course covers all combustion appliances, whether they are located in a dedicated CAZ or not. Testing tools, calculations, interpretation of results, and incorporating safety into the scope of work are covered. ACCA Standards and RESNET Standards are included as a focus of this training.×