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RESNET HERS Rater Training & Certification


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BER's comprehensive and all-inclusive HERS Rater Training and Certification program.

Two BER trainers

BER’s success-driven, alternative approach to traditional classroom training is designed for industry professionals who have busy careers and lifestyles. Our tested and proven program can be significantly less expensive than traditional classroom training and allows a Rater candidate to avoid the high costs associated with travel, lodging, food, and the actual cost of the training itself.

  • The ability to complete the course at your own pace
  • No travel required on your part
  • Reduced overall cost
  • Scheduling flexibility
  • Little to no negative impact on your normal work schedule
  • One-on-one field training and mentorship with a BER Trainer

For professionals looking to become Certified HERS Rater, Building Efficiency Resources is proud to offer the full range of training packages to meet each individual student’s needs.

Three options shown for training offers with features and prices.

Certified RESNET Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Raters are qualified professionals who offer a variety of valuable home energy services to their clients. Not sure yet if becoming a HERS Rater is the right fit for you? Read our blog Why Become a Certified HERS Rater.

BER currently offers this comprehensive and all-inclusive HERS Rater Training and Certification program for $3,249.

BER’s HERS Rater Training & Certification Program includes:

BER’s Online Student Training Portal

  • 12 modules with pre-recorded video lessons and checkpoint questions throughout the videos
  • All reading and study materials in digital format, practice problems, full access to online quizzes, and RESNET exam prep questions.
    • Students may choose to purchase a hard copy of the textbook, available through many retailers such as Amazon, Ebay, and AbeBooks. While BER provides a free PDF of the 5th edition, the 6th edition is the current version in print and easier to locate for hard copy purchase. It is comparable to the 5th edition.
      • 5th Edition – ISBN-13: 9781880120095
      • 6th Edition – ISBN-13: 9781880120231

Online RESNET Exam Prep and Mentoring

  • Includes access to all interactive online training for RESNET combustion safety & work scope training (CAZ) and RESNET HERS Practical Simulation training
  • One-year license to both online virtual training platforms through Interplay.
    • Please note all Simulation training and exams are the sole responsibility of RESNET and Interplay. Technical support will be provided by Interplay. Complete contact information will be provided. BER is not responsible for simulation software or issues thereof.
  • Up to 2 hours of online support before exams are scheduled, via live online meeting space (Microsoft Teams, Zoom, etc.)


  • One of each of the three required exams, including set-up costs and exam fees
    • RESNET HERS National Rater Exam (Exam retakes are $200)
    • RESNET HERS Practical Simulation Exam (4 retakes at no additional cost*)
    • RESCAZ Simulation Exam (4 retakes at no additional cost*)
      • *Free simulation exam retakes must be taken with the same proctoring session as the original testing. Retakes during additional proctoring sessions are assessed a proctor fee of $49.
  • Proctoring: BER is available as a remote proctor. Students may also find a suitable proctor site and provide BER with scheduling information for exam. The cost of an external proctor (any proctor that is not BER) is not included in the cost of BER’s training program and will vary by proctor service.
  • Already completed a training course and passed your RESNET Exams with another Training Provider? Enroll in our Provisional Rater Certification Mentorship program to complete your HERS Rater Certification.

Energy Modeling Software License

  • Ekotrope and REM/Rate software training licenses provided to the student while enrolled in the training program
    • 12-month licenses for students enrolled in HERS Rater Training & Certification program
      • 6-month licenses for students enrolled in HERS Rater Training program (up to RESNET Exams)
      • 6-month licenses for students enrolled in Provisional Rater Certification Mentorship program (RESNET Exams already completed with another RESNET Training Provider)

Provisional Rater Certification Mentorship

After successfully completing the HERS Rater Training course and passing all 3 exams, the prospective rater is ready to complete Provisional Rater Certification Mentorship, where they are mentored through five provisional ratings under the supervision and direction of the Provider.

  • Upgrade to BER Rater Portal account, with access to all HERS rating tools and resources including:
    • BER Appliance Database
    • BER Knowledge Base
    • Template documents
    • Videos
    • And more!
  • Expert review and evaluation of all five probationary rating files with feedback provided
  • Mentoring process for completion of all 5 provisional HERS ratings
    • Two (2) Ratings from plans
      • Two set of house plans and specifications for two rating from plans
      • Review and grading of both rating files
    • Two (2) mentored ratings in the field
      • One-on-one field mentoring
      • Field mentoring sessions will each have a different focus
        1. Field training including testing and data collection and documentation
        2. RESNET Combustion Safety field training
      • Two (2) homes to be selected & scheduled by student but must meet required criteria
    • One (1) final rating to be completed independently and reviewed by BER trainer. Student selects the home to be tested and rated.

RESNET HERS Rater Certification

  • Rater Candidate Certificate for all students who pass all certification requirements
  • RESNET RTIN Application (for BER Members Only*)
  • RESNET HERS Rater Certificate (BER Members Only*)
  • BER Membership (one year from date of training & certification purchase)

*Upon successful completion of the program, Raters are awarded a BER Rater Candidate Certificate. If the Rater chooses BER as their QA Provider, BER will apply for the official certification number (RTIN) and furnish a RESNET HERS Rater Certificate, valid for 3 years.

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