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Low GWP Refrigerant Safety: Flammable and Mildly Flammable (A2L) Refrigerants


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Equip yourself with the knowledge needed to pass the Low GWP Refrigerant Safety Refrigerant Handling Certification Exam.

Older refrigerants are being replaced with more efficient and environmentally friendly refrigerants. Many of these refrigerants are classified by ASHRAE (American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers) as flammable. This training course includes self-paced on-demand modules, applicable textbooks and materials, all exams, tutoring, and proctoring services.

Addressing Environmental Concerns

Learn how to handle low GWP refrigerants to combat ozone depletion and global warming.

EPA Regulation Compliance

Refrigerant Safety – A2L Refrigerants examination validates that a person possesses the knowledge to safely work with low GWP refrigerants and helps reduce liability.

Preparation for Certification

Equip yourself with the knowledge needed to pass the Low GWP Refrigerant Safety Refrigerant Handling Certification Exam.

Review Course Curriculum

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