Webinar: Incentive Insights – Best Paths for Braiding New and Existing Incentives, Elevating Contractor Voices in Policy
12 September 2024
3 - 4 PM ET
Energy efficiency contractors are welcome to join the Building Performance Association (BPA) and the AnnDyl Policy Group to discuss braiding federal energy efficiency incentives like the Weatherization Assistance Program, the newly extended 25C tax credit, and utility programs with the wide range of currently available programs across the country.
We will discuss what is emerging from the states and how contractors and policymakers are addressing new opportunities and challenges. There will be ample opportunity to share what contractor companies are doing to take advantage of this historic incentive landscape.
We hope you can join us!

Kara Saul-Rinaldi
Chief Policy Officer
Building Performance Association, AnnDyl Policy Group

Mark Tajima
Founding Partner
B. Alpha Construction LLC