HPC Issues a Press Statement on President Trump’s Skinny Budget
March 16, 2017
Today, President Trump announced the “skinny” budget, zeroing out the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and the State Energy Program (SEP) as well as threatening the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) and the Unites States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
All of the energy efficiency programs at the DOE, including those at EERE, are important to advancing residential infrastructure. President Trump has noted his strong support for building America’s infrastructure and during the campaign he noted his concern about the cost of America’s energy bills. The U.S. Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) provides grants to states and some Indian tribes to improve the energy efficiency of homes for ¬low-income families and the State Energy Program. Slashing the funding to the very programs that help low-income homeowners and advance residential infrastructure so that homes use energy more efficiently and effectively, and become more resilient to fuel price spikes, is bad policy and contradicts President Trump’s promises to the American people.
“As an alliance of like-minded organizations working to ensure all homes are healthy, comfortable and energy efficient, we strongly disagree with these cuts that affect the most vulnerable Americans,” said Brian T. Castelli, President and CEO of the Building Performance Association. “Our overarching mission is to create efficient and sustainable homes and communities, for all Americans, particularly low-income Americans. Therefore we urge the President to work with Congress to shape a common sense budget that protects our homes, families and communities.”