Maine BPA Webinar Recap: Pathways to Energy Efficiency Apprenticeships
March 15, 2024
Webinar Recap
On March 14, 2024, Maine BPA hosted an informative webinar highlighting Energy Efficiency Apprenticeship programs.
We covered details about apprenticeships, why they’re important, how organizations in Maine can go about developing a Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP), and next steps for those interested in becoming an apprentice. Attendees learned about a current Weatherization Technician pathway with Washington Community College and also heard directly from an apprentice about how a program helped him launch his career as an Energy Auditor. We discussed how BPA’s Energy Specialist program provides a pathway to energy efficiency careers, and how BPA can ease the process of creating an RAP by providing guidance and resources.
If you are interested in hiring or becoming an apprentice, please email us at BPA to get started! Contact Xavier Walter (xwalter@building-performance.org) and Brook Vernon (bvernon@building-performance.org).
Thank you to our special guest speakers including Kristine McCallister (Maine Department of Labor), Edward Wright (Maine Community College System), Nichole Sawyer (Washington County Community College), and Cory Falabella (Downeast Community Partners).