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Massachusetts – Updated and Revised Pricing for Residential Energy Efficiency Measures

July 8, 2022

We would like to bring everyone up to date on the new proposed pricing that will be officially in place beginning July 18, 2022. This was presented on July 6 to the Energy Efficiency Advisory Council and is on the EEAC website.

The most critical aspect of this revised pricing is that it modifies the pricing that was proposed several months ago. There were significant concerns from the contractor community and the EEAC that the originally proposed pricing was lowered by approximately 6% on average. The feedback also included concerns that the lower pricing would make delivery of the many energy efficient measures a revenue losing impact, making delivery of services very slow and difficult. The contractor community with strong support from Building Performance Association (BPA) and allies, urged the Program Administrators to reconsider their proposed decreases in pricing paid to contractors for the work that they will be doing. The feeling was that the very positive increased goals in the new Mass Save 3-year plan would be very difficult to achieve.

The result of this feedback and extensive communications organized by BPA and allies resulted in the Program Administrators reconsidering their proposed pricing for measures. They completed that reconsideration and on July 6 officially presented a new set of prices.

These new prices shifted from a decrease of 6% from current pricing to an increase of 4% from current pricing. In addition, they are working on increased bonus funding for contractors bringing in customers and performing assessments. The details are included in the presentation by Kate Peters from Eversource to the EEAC on July 6 and are linked below.

We are very thankful for this modification in pricing from a decrease to an increase which will help contractors on the ground to expand their delivery of high-quality services to customers and help achieve the positive goals established in the recently approved 3-year plan. The bonus structure will help outreach and secure participation by more households.

BPA thanks the Program Administrators and the many members of the industry for the work to reconsider and revise the originally presented pricing. Collaboration helped.


The Building Performance Association and its Massachusetts Affiliate

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