If you see this, your BPA membership access is restricted due to expired membership or membership status.
- Lapsed Renewal/Expired Membership
- Expired Membership: If your BPA membership has expired, you can regain access to membership content by rejoining as a BPA member here.
- Lapsed Renewal or Credit Card Failure: If your membership was not able to renew due to your card on file, you can follow these steps here to update:
- You can access your account by clicking the green Profile button in the upper right corner. Once there, click "Manage My Subscriptions."
- Click Update and update your credit card info.
- Your membership renewal will be updated within 48 - 72 hours.
- If you pay by check, reach out to Gypsy Matlak (gmatlak@building-performance.org) to arrange payment.
- Basic Membership
- Basic Membership: As a free, basic member, you have limited access to member content. To gain full access to member-exclusive content, update to a paid level here.
Reach out to Robyn Hall (Rhall@building-performance.org for questions or assistance.