NHPC’25 Carbon and Travel Offset
July 15, 2024
As part of our commitment to sustainability, BPA is providing an opportunity for registrants to opt-in for a carbon offset that helps to partially compensate for the impacts of travel, such as carbon emissions and air pollution. We encourage all conference registrants to take advantage of this simple way to help offset the impact of your participation.
In order to keep the benefits of this offset local, BPA will be directing all contributions to Sustaining Our Urban Landscape (SOUL), a local New Orleans nonprofit founded in 2016 with the goal of driving a resilient and environmentally equitable New Orleans through reforesting the city. Since its launch, SOUL has partnered with neighborhood organizations to plant 9,774 native, water-loving trees throughout Orleans Parish.
The US Forest Service declared New Orleans the most deforested city in the United States after losing 200,000 trees to Hurricane Katrina. Your offset will help to fund SOUL plant trees to serve as natural systems and infrastructure. SOUL plants trees together with community members who drive the reforestation of their own community or neighborhood to stave off flooding, reduce pollution, improve community health, and provide beauty and shade.
The suggested donation is $25, which is the approximate carbon cost for an average flight to New Orleans and covers the cost of watering one tree for three months. However, you’re welcome to contribute more or less via this option. You can make your contribution when you register for the conference, which will open in August.