November 2024 State Updates
November 20, 2024
Looking for the latest industry updates in your state and across the nation? Here are our newest and noteworthy updates from November 2024.
Click here to find your state and see the latest updates, projects, federal funding information, and events.
State Industry News
Arizona – The Arizona Clean Energy Hub is designed to connect Arizonans with the latest energy incentive programs available for households, businesses, schools, local governments, and other organizations. Navigating all the funding opportunities can be overwhelming, so this website provides information on which incentives are available, how they work, what they can be used for, and more. Check out the Clean Energy Hub.
California – As of November 12, low-to-moderate income single and multifamily properties can now apply for the first wave of HEEHRA funds. The Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEEHRA) rebates are part of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and help property owners afford electrification. Contractors must complete TECH’s HEEHRA Rebate training in order to be eligible to offer these new incentives. These funds are in addition to the existing Statewide TECH Clean California Single-Family Heat Pump HVAC and the upcoming Heat Pump Water Heater program (which are not based on income). Learn more about who is eligible, rebate amounts, and more here.
Colorado – Colorado has launched the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEAR) portion of the rebate program to lower energy bills by reducing costs for energy efficiency improvements. Colorado’s HEAR program will initially be implemented through the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), which helps income-qualified residents enhance their homes’ insulation and energy efficiency. Colorado is the first state to fully integrate WAP with a Home Energy Rebates program. The state expects to broaden the HEAR program in 2025 with direct-to-consumer rebates available to income-qualified households in Colorado earning below 150% of area median income. Read the press release to learn more.
Georgia – The Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) has introduced a limited pilot phase of its rebate programs. This preliminary rollout aims to refine operational processes and broaden contractor participation ahead of the full program launch. Pilot projects will exclusively originate from contractor-led pipelines. Georgia expects the pilot to run through the first quarter of 2025.
Once fully launched, Georgia residents will have several options to access rebates, including state-approved contractors, retail outlets, DIY methods, and midstream pathways. Both single-family and multifamily households will qualify. Under the Home Efficiency Rebates (HOMES) program, households earning less than 80% of the area median income (AMI) could receive up to $16,000 for achieving 35% energy savings, while those earning up to 150% AMI may qualify for up to $4,000. The program will also include a comprehensive range of HEAR measures at maximum rebate levels. Read the press release to learn more about Georgia’s plans for the programs.
Kentucky – The Kentucky Department for Energy Development and Independence (DEDI) submitted its HOMES and HEAR funding applications to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), requesting a total of $134 million. Rebates are expected to become available in mid to late 2025. Check the state’s rebate website for updates.
Maryland – Through a network of host site partners, the Maryland Climate Corps engages paid fellows in activities that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, build green infrastructure, and improve community resilience to climate disasters. These fellows also receive workforce training and career coaching necessary to access a well-paying green job after their term of service.
Service Year Alliance has funding available to help support 1-2 energy efficiency employers with a hiring footprint in Maryland who would be interested in working with the Maryland Climate Corps (MCC) to explore opportunities to better equip MCC Fellows to pursue careers within the energy efficiency sector.
Please register to join Service Year Alliance and The Maryland Department of Service and Civic Innovation for a webinar from 2-2:30 pm ET on December 4 if your organization is interested in learning more about this low-lift opportunity to build additional talent pipelines into your current or future positions. Contact Brent Kossick, Director of Climate and Workforce at Service Year Alliance (bkossick@serviceyear.org) if interested, but unavailable for the webinar.
Michigan – The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is starting another round of input on implementation of the Michigan Healthy Climate Plan (MHCP). The public is invited to participate in a series of virtual listening sessions on the priorities across the action areas included in Michigan’s plan. The intended audience is anyone interested in or who has experience with a climate action area of the MHCP. This includes local governments, state government, nonprofits, businesses, community members, etc.
Click the sessions below to register:
- December 10, 6-7 PM – Electrify Vehicles and Increase Public Transit
- December 18, 6-7 PM – Repair and Decarbonize Homes and Businesses
- January 16, 6-7 PM – Drive Clean Innovation in Industry
- January 22, 6-7 PM – Protect Michigan’s Land and Water
Minnesota – The Minnesota Department of Information Technology Services in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Commerce is seeking a single Responder to provide program design, planning, administration, implementation, technical, and administrative support for the delivery of the Home Energy Rebates (HER) Programs and other state-funded programs related to residential rebates, grants, and other forms of financial assistance. The Minnesota Department of Commerce applied for $74M in funding for its HOMES program earlier this month. Learn more and access the Request for Proposals (RFP) here.
Pennsylvania – The Energy Efficiency Alliance is hosting a series of contractor network calls for energy efficiency and HVAC contractors in Pennsylvania to learn more about industry and policy developments that affect their work, from federal incentives and tax benefits to workforce training opportunities. The final meeting of the year will be held December 6 at 8 am ET. Register here.
Texas – The State Energy Conservation Office (SECO) has submitted both its HOMES and HEAR applications and entered the drafting phase for the Home Energy Rebates RFP. All questions from potential vendors and partners will be shared with the lead purchaser for the question-and-answer portion of the solicitation. Community individuals can still reach out with questions and concerns. Monitor updates here.
Washington, D.C. – The District of Columbia has launched both its HOMES and HEAR programs to lower energy bills by reducing costs for energy efficiency improvements. The District’s federal and local rebate programs will be overseen by the D.C. Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE), working closely with its implementing contractor, the D.C. Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU). The District will deliver federal rebates to eligible residents through existing equity-focused programs administered by the DCSEU, an approach that will ensure home energy upgrades are accessible to all residents. Read the press release to learn more about D.C.’s plans for its programs.
West Virginia – The West Virginia Office of Energy (WVOE) has released an RFP aiming to partner with an organization to develop a comprehensive “Home Energy Rebates Training Program” tailored for contractors in the state. This program is designed to offer flexible training options catering to various levels of expertise, equipping West Virginia’s contractor workforce for participation in the HER programs and the broader energy efficiency sector. Questions are due on November 25 by 1 pm ET. The RFP closes on December 9 at 1:30 pm ET. Access the posting here by clicking “Published Solicitations” and searching for “Energy Rebates Training.”
National Industry News
National Apprenticeship Week – November 17-23
This week is National Apprenticeship Week (NAW), a nationwide celebration that brings together employers, industry associations, labor organizations, community-based organizations, workforce partners, education providers, and government leaders to show support for Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs). Read BPA’s announcement to learn how we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of NAW.
New Tools Released by U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
DOE has released new tools to help homeowners and contractors access thousands of dollars in federal tax credits for energy-efficient home improvements, thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act. These resources include a Tax Credit Product Lookup Tool, an insulation guide, and a contractor training module. These resources will streamline access to the Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit, which more than 2.3 million families have already claimed, saving an average of $880 per household. Read the press release to learn more.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Contractor Survey
State and local governments are rolling out new funding and training programs for building efficiency and trades, and it is essential that these opportunities are accessible and attractive to contractors. NREL is conducting a 10-minute survey to gain insights into contractors’ perceptions and approaches to worker hiring, training, and upskilling. Your participation will help decision makers ensure that the training programs available are responsive to industry needs and constraints. Please complete the survey by December 31.
Upcoming BPA & Partner Events
Southeast Energy Summit – BPA’s State Outreach Team Discusses Registered Apprenticeship Programs
The BPA team is at SEEA this week to educate attendees about our role as a sponsor for clean energy apprenticeship programs. In honor of this week being National Apprenticeship Week, we are eager to assist employers and other sponsors with creating and designing their own program, completing necessary paperwork to get the program registered by the U.S. Department of Labor, recruiting and hiring apprentices, connecting them with training providers, and offering ongoing support throughout the program. Learn more about BPA’s involvement with Registered Apprenticeship Programs here.
Webinar – Powering the Future: Building & Sustaining the Energy Efficiency Workforce
On December 11, BPA will host a 90-minute webinar designed to equip State Energy Offices and energy efficiency contractors with strategies to strengthen and sustain the workforce. We will share actionable recommendations for states developing workforce programs that support residential home performance, energy efficiency, weatherization, and HVAC industries, as well as recommendations for contractors seeking to take advantage of federal, local, and state programs that shape the industry’s future. We will also share recommendations for stacking programs and incentives to maximize benefits. Learn more and register here.
RESNET – BPA’s Robin Yochum and Xavier Walter to Present on Opportunities for Raters with HOMES/HEAR Rebates
Over $9 billion in homeowner rebates for residential energy efficiency rebates will become available in the States within the next year. RESNET HERS Raters can play a vital role in assessment, coordination, and quality control. As programs begin to roll out, there will be a sharp demand for advanced testing and design of home performance projects. State-level program design and facilitation may require the coordination and leadership of Raters and RFIs on the ground working in their communities. Join BPA’s Robin Yochum, Director of Programs and Partnerships, and Xavier Walter, Director of Outreach, for a session on HOMES/HEAR opportunities for raters. The conference will be January 26-30, 2025 in Tempe, AZ. Register here.