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Research and Reports

BPA publishes research, policy papers, and fact sheets on residential energy efficiency and home performance.


Introduction to TRC (Total Resource Cost)

Presented by Robin Lebaron at the 2012 ACI National Conference. Cost Effectiveness Testing


Best Practices in Energy Efficiency Program Screening: How to Ensure that the Value of Energy Efficiency is Properly Accounted For

Presented by Tim Woolf of Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. at the NARUC Summer Meetings Energy Efficiency Cost-Effectiveness Breakfast.


Measure it Right: Best Practices in the Selection and Implementation of Cost Effectiveness Tests

The National Home Performance Council's new report, Measure it Right: Best Practices in the Selection and Implementation of Cost-Effectiveness Tests, provides several recommendations to address the inconsistencies found when implementing cost-effectiveness tests.


EPS, HERS, HES…OMG!: BPI-2101: Standard Requirements for a Certificate of Completion for Whole-House Energy Efficiency Upgrades

Presented by Robin LeBaron at the 2012 ACI National Conference.


Unlocking the Full Value of Green Homes: Why Green Multiple Listing Services are a Key to Residential Energy Efficiency

A joint report written by NHPC and the Association of Energy & Environmental Real Estate Professionals (AEEREP) that encourages states and stakeholders to revise Multiple Listing Services (MLS) to incorporate searchable data fields that capture verified data regarding a home’s performance with respect to energy consumption and environmental impact. The report describes the stakes and stakeholders involved in greening the MLS system issues, analyzes the challenges involved, and summarizes what the green building stakeholder community can learn from Collaborative Green MLS Enhancement Model.


Getting To Fair Cost-Effectiveness Testing

The National Home Performance Council's report on improving cost-effectiveness tests using the PACT, best practices for the TRC, and more.


Residential Retrofits, Cost-Effectiveness & Home Valuation

Kara Saul Rinaldi's (Executive Director, NHPC) presentation at NASEO's annual building committee meeting at San Antonio, TX. Cost Effectiveness Testing, Valuing Home Energy Efficiency


Overview of Residential Energy Efficiency Programs

An overview of the universe of whole-home energy efficiency retrofit programs in the U.S. The study provides information on 126 programs across the U.S. that promote a whole-home approach to residential energy efficiency through subsidies, technical assistance and other resources, and provides basic data about a number of key program characteristics.