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Photo of the opening session of NHPC'24. Members of the BPA Board of Directors are on stage.

Saying Goodbye to the Pre-Conference Vernacular

January 22, 2025

2025 marks year 10 of our effort to phase out the term “pre-conference” in describing our Monday offerings included with the price of admission. Historically, “pre-conference” referred to optional, paid activities, but over time it became a confusing way to describe Monday’s unique workshops and sessions.

In 2022, we made some changes to the first day of the conference by opening the trade show on Monday and holding the General Session that afternoon. While the trade show was a hit, having a General Session at happy hour—steps from Nashville’s Broadway—wasn’t the best idea. After that experiment, we went back to holding the General Session on Tuesday morning for the past two years.

Now, with most attendees arriving on Monday, we’re doing things differently, hopefully putting the term “pre-conference” permanently out to pasture.

NEW THIS YEAR: The conference General Session will take place on Monday, April 7 at 10:30 a.m. We hope you arrive early (PRO TIP: Skip the lines and get your badge during Sunday registration hours), enjoy the conference breakfast, check out the trade show, take in an 8:30 a.m. workshop (if that’s your kind of thing) and then join us for the General Session. Details, such as featured speakers, will be forthcoming, but one thing I can promise you is there will be a housekeeping section of the program. And, as the person tasked with sharing that information with you, I couldn’t be more excited to share it on DAY ONE of the conference…when you need it the most!  Following the General Session, there will be another first: a Monday lunch will be provided on the trade show floor.

This year is going to be amazing! The National Home Performance Conference and Trade Show, April 7-10. Four days of the industry’s best networking and education (for just one price) in my favorite conference city: New Orleans, Louisiana.

See you there!

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