BPA Awarded Funding for Statewide Needs Assessment in Maine
December 5, 2022
Governor Mills announced $5.4 million in climate investments, including $2.5 million in clean energy workforce development grants awarded through the Clean Energy Partnership. BPA is one of 9 organizations that were awarded funding, with projects anticipated to engage with over 1,600 individuals; attracting new workers to the clean energy and energy efficiency workforce, providing career training and upskilling opportunities to existing workers, increasing diversity and representation in the clean energy workforce, and facilitating new and expanded clean energy apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, and internship models to facilitate entry into rewarding and high-paying jobs.
BPA is awarded $299,543 to conduct a statewide workforce needs assessment among energy efficiency contractors, assemble hiring data and connect employers with community events, connect career-seekers with training opportunities, promote local resources for home performance and weatherization services, and establish and deliver Maine DOL-approved Energy Specialist and Weatherization Worker apprenticeship models. The proposal aims to engage 305 individuals through online content, support 100 participants in securing Building Performance Institute (BPI) Building Science Principles certificates, support 30 individuals in receiving BPI Building Analyst credentials from local colleges, support 5 individuals in securing a BPI Home Energy Professional (HEP) Energy Auditor certification, and place 20 individuals in energy efficiency jobs in the first year.
An informal needs assessment conducted in July 2022 uncovered opportunities and challenges for energy efficiency contractors working in Maine. That report will serve as a starting point for taking a deeper dive into identifying and prioritizing new and innovative solutions to Maine’s climate and energy challenges.