Feb 9, 2021
Housing Disruption Is Here: Get Ready! [Sponsored]
By: Green Builder Media

Rise to the top of the home building industry during times of intense change. Join a new immersive education program for building professionals focused on creating the next generation of homes.
Renowned architect, building science expert, and housing luminary Sam Rashkin has joined forces with Green Builder Media to offer Housing 2.0, a brand-new program just for home builders that details how to provide the ultimate consumer product—a house—and make money doing it.
The Housing 2.0 program will empower building professionals to design and construct higher performance, healthier, more sustainable homes at a fraction of the cost. In fact, Rashkin will present a framework for building professionals that will allow them to extract 30 percent to 70 percent cost savings for every new home built.
Join with some of the greatest minds in the building industry by enrolling in the brand-new Housing 2.0 program under the tutelage of Rashkin.

Housing 2.0 offers one-on-one help for your building business. It works in 5 steps:
- Sign up for the Housing 2.0 Program, a flexible year-long, wide-ranging engagement and education program dedicated to optimizing the housing sector.
- Participate in a five-part workshop series hosted by Rashkin and based on tenets of his book, which you will receive as part of the course.
- Take six online courses taught by industry influencers and subject matter experts that expand on the Housing 2.0 fundamentals, including information on disruption, demystifying zero, healthy homes, new technologies, biophilic design, and case studies.
- Take advantage of proprietary market intelligence—information tailored specifically for Housing 2.0 participants, including building science best practices, cutting-edge product information, and insights into market trends, innovations that are transforming markets, and consumer behavior and purchasing patterns.
- Get membership in an action group. This benefit is priceless. It enables you to participate in small, collaborative builder groups that meet quarterly for one year to optimize the Housing 2.0 framework.
Discuss your progress on a project, get input and help from other builders, network, and get motivated and inspired to create a lucrative niche in the white space created by disruption.
Want a taste of the Housing 2.0 program? Watch Rashkin’s free webinar, Why the Housing Industry Is Long Overdue for Disruption.)
This program is perfect for anyone in the home building industry—CEOs who want to strategize new directions for their business, niche and production builders who want to offer a new product or serve a new demographic. Or how about access to this program as the ultimate perk to attract new hires or to reward stand-out employees?
Action groups are forming now. Join today!

To learn more about the program, including detailed course information, visit the Housing 2.0 website.
This article was sponsored by Green Builder Media.