Jan 21, 2022
BPI Joins National Clean Energy Workforce Alliance
The Building Performance Institute (BPI) has joined the National Clean Energy Workforce Alliance to improve clean energy education, training, and job placement outcomes, including expanding job opportunities for diverse candidates and underserved communities. The Alliance is committed to advancing economic opportunity through clean energy jobs, including energy efficiency jobs that support a median hourly wage of $24.44, about 28% above the national median. The kickoff meeting on January 31, 2022, will bring together employers from every sector of clean energy, including building performance and energy efficiency, to shape the Alliance's work on innovative solutions and support to grow an inclusive and effective workforce.
By: Kelly Carey

This month, the Building Performance Institute (BPI) joined the
National Clean Energy Workforce Alliance, a cross-sector effort to improve clean energy education, training, and job placement outcomes.
The Alliance is dedicated to expanding clean energy job opportunities that are inclusive of diverse candidates and underserved communities. Starting in January 2022, the Alliance will virtually convene employers, training providers, community-based recruitment and support organizations, and energy justice organizations.
It’s important that the building performance sector is represented in the Alliance. In the U.S., buildings account for 40% of energy-related emissions, so more efficient buildings and homes are critical to our future. A highly effective, full-staffed building performance industry can improve health and reduce energy costs for millions of Americans while moving the country toward decarbonization. We hope you can join us in making it happen.
“This is important work,” says BPI’s CEO Larry Zarker. “We all need to pitch in to help build a more diverse and inclusionary workforce that can meet the nation’s ambitious clean energy goals.” As experts in home energy efficiency, BPI Certified Professionals and GoldStar Contractors are ideally suited to help our country make the change.
The Alliance is committed to advancing economic opportunity through clean energy jobs. Clean energy jobs offer strong wages, paying 25% more than the national median. Workers in renewable energy, energy efficiency, grid modernization and storage, clean fuels and clean vehicles earned a median hourly wage of $23.89 in 2019, compared with the national median wage of $19.14.
Energy efficiency, the largest employer in the nation’s energy sector, supports a median hourly wage of $24.44, about 28% above the national median. Connecting women, people of color, and people from underserved communities to these opportunities can radically change their economic prospects.
The kickoff on January 31 will bring together employers from every sector of clean energy, including building performance and energy efficiency. We invite everyone who employs others to join us there.
Attendees will be invited to share their experiences and needs during this interactive session. Your input will shape the Alliance’s work on innovative solutions and support to grow an inclusive and effective workforce. Broad participation is needed to make sure the Alliance is fully informed and moving in the right direction. Women- and minority-owned businesses and employers serving disadvantaged populations are most especially invited to share their expertise.
All energy efficiency employers are invited to join us in the National Clean Workforce Alliance. Thank you for joining us in developing more resilient, healthy, and prosperous communities through improved workforce development for clean energy technology and jobs.
The January meeting will specifically focus on the employer experience and needs. Please RSVP to join us on January 31, 2022 at 2 p.m. ET!