DOE Releases Notice of Intent for Energy Auditor Training
December 13, 2023
State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP) has recently released a Notice of Intent (NOI) for the upcoming Energy Auditor Training (EAT) Program Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA). EAT will provide grants for states to support the training of energy auditors by paying the costs associated with energy auditor trainings and certifications, for the purpose of conducting energy audits, or surveys, of commercial and residential buildings. States can use this program to engage new workers or upskill existing professionals for important work in the clean energy field.
DOE intends that investments made through this competitive FOA will enhance the broader government-wide approach to support sustainable, clean energy auditing efforts in commercial and residential buildings. DOE will accomplish this by deepening partnerships and collaborative initiatives across, and among states, agencies, organizations, and DOE.
DOE expects to release the official FOA in December 2023. The FOA will include program guidance and application instructions. Additional information can be found on the program webpage and in the NOI.