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BPA: Building Science Principles Course: A Free Resource for Educators



This introductory course, presented in slideshow format, is designed to be a starting point for those interested in any career in residential energy efficiency. The course provides learners with basic information on how homes work through the lens of building science.

The Building Performance Association (BPA) has developed a Building Science Principles course to support educators and trainers. This introductory course, presented in slideshow format, is designed to be a starting point for those interested in any career in residential energy efficiency. The foundational principles included in this course will help guide a career seeker into the exciting world of home efficiency, comfort, and indoor air quality.

Classroom with teacher at the front and students seen from the back.

Course Overview

This course provides learners with basic information on how homes work through the lens of building science.

Building science demonstrates how various components of a home interact to affect the home’s overall performance.

By learning about the relationships between the building envelope, heating, A/C, insulation, mechanical ventilation, lighting, and appliances, learners will understand how these systems work together to affect the comfort, health and safety of occupants and durability of the home.

Discover why improving the energy efficiency of the home should be the first step toward solar, geothermal, or other renewable energy improvements.

View and download course descriptions

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