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DOE: Home Energy Rebates



Through the DOE Home Energy Rebates, consumers may be eligible for cashback on appliances and other home improvements that can lower their energy bills.

Through the DOE Home Energy Rebates, consumers may be eligible for cashback on appliances and other home improvements that can lower their energy bills. The map below shows your state’s progress toward launching its rebates.

Interactive map shows status of state's Home Energy Rebates funding.

Consumers could save up to $14,000 on home upgrades with rebates. States, territories, and Tribes all over the country are beginning to roll out Home Energy Rebate programs with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy. 

Once the programs roll out in a state, consumers may be eligible for thousands of dollars in discounts on appliances and home improvement projects—upgrades that can help lower utility bills.

Latest news on rebates

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