Resource Library
DOE: Weatherization Assistance Program Resource Index
Weatherization Assistance Program - WAP network resources to help create successful state weatherization programs.
Quick Links
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) provides the WAP network with several types of resources aimed to assist Grantees with creating successful state weatherization programs. This resource index provides direct links to uploaded or external resources included across the WAP website.
This resource index is a preliminary version and is not a map of the WAP website. While some Weatherization Program Notices and Memorandums are listed in the index, not all are included. Visit the Weatherization Program Notices and Memorandums webpage to view a full list.
Related Resources
DOE: Building Science Advisor Tool: Evaluate wall durability risk
The BSA Tool is a no-cost, web-based tool that provides expert guidance on the moisture durability and energy efficiency of new and retrofit wall assembly designs.