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Passive House Accelerator: Retrofitting and Remodeling a Timber Frame House to EnerPHit Standard
Passive House Accelerator visits a 1975 timber frame house, in the western highlands of Scotland, that has been retrofitted to EnerPhit standard.

The third episode of Building Performance Interactive provides lessons and thoughts on DIY deep retrofit and radical remodeling for space and amenities.
Passive House Accelerator visits a 1975 timber frame house, in the western highlands of Scotland, that has been retrofitted to EnerPhit standard, to speak with Es Tresidder, Passivhaus Consultant of John Gilbert Architects, and Ben Adam Smith, self-build expert. They take a critical look at what worked well on the project, what could be done differently, and the scope for a DIY-led approach to deep retrofit of this building type.
To PHA’s knowledge, this is the first deep retrofit of this sort of timber frame house in the UK, and perhaps the first EnerPHit of this type of house worldwide.
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