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RMI Report: Realizing the Green Jobs Promise
This report looks beyond analytical findings of “more jobs” to begin charting the deeper work, analyses, and stories needed to inspire a leap from a job scarcity mentality toward one of purpose-inspired economic abundance.
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The Benefits of a Regenerative Approach
We must reframe the notion of green jobs within this broader context of economic risk, opportunity, and transformation. A more holistic framing centered on the concept of regenerative capitalism, in which achieving net-zero carbon emissions is but one step toward a long-term sustainable economy, can better position communities, companies, and workers globally to thrive as part of a more equitable and abundant future. This report looks beyond analytical findings of “more jobs” to begin charting the deeper work, analyses, and stories needed to inspire a leap from a job scarcity mentality toward one of purpose-inspired economic abundance. We propose calling this shift the Great Regeneration.
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DOE: Building Science Advisor Tool: Evaluate wall durability risk
The BSA Tool is a no-cost, web-based tool that provides expert guidance on the moisture durability and energy efficiency of new and retrofit wall assembly designs.
Moisture and Humidity Risk Calculator
Dive into moisture management for buildings using an easy-to-use app built from a Google spreadsheet.