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Training Library

Become a LEED Green Rater


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If you have three years of experience in the residential construction sector and want to advance sustainability, consider applying to become a Green Rater today to help ensure housing projects are built better.

With over 2 million LEED® for Homes™ registered spaces worldwide, LEED is the international rating system to ensure better residential buildings. LEED requires third-party on-site verification and performance testing by a LEED Green Rater, and demand is growing. Now, residential and mixed-use projects of any size can go under the LEED for Homes rating system. If you’re interested in filling this need as part of USGBC’s LEED for Homes Green Rater program, this training is for you!

The LEED for Homes Green Rater Training is designed to prepare qualified participants to provide verification services on LEED for Homes projects.

We have monthly introductory courses you can register for below to learn more about the course and the process, or there is an on-demand training you can join below at any time to learn more about the process.

Review the 10 steps to becoming a LEED Green Rater 

1) Review the Green Rater Application & Confirm 3 years of relevant construction experience

2) Prove an understanding of Building Science

3) Become a LEED Green Associates

4) Become a LEED AP Homes (or BD+C)

5) Complete the GBCI online LEED for Homes Modules

6) Begin the GHI on-demand 2-week on-demand CEU training ( this course)

7) Take the 3-hour live but virtual training component with GreenHome Institute

8) Take the GBCI LEED Green Rater Exam

9) Gather your documentation and submit your application to GBCI

10) Begin mentorship or start your project with GHI and renew every 2 years

Course Agenda 

Module # Title Time (mins) 

Module 1 Introduction to the Course 26

Module 2 Getting Started & Course Resources 22

Module 3 LEED Delivery Team & Green Rater Tools and Role 32

Module 4 Innovation (IN) 26

Module 5 Integrative Process (IP) 18

Module 6 Location & Transportation (LT) 39

Module 7 Verification Stage & Sustainable Sites (SS) 54

Module 8 Water Efficiency (WE) 42

Module 9 Materials and Resources (MR) 33

Module 10 Energy and Atmosphere (EA) 60

Module 11 Indoor Environmental Quality (EQ) 33

Module 12 Regional Priority and Final Submittals 49

Live Session Exam prep and homework review 180

Continuing Education –  15 Hours (includes modules) 

GBCI / LEED AP Homes – 15 hours only

BPI:  8.5 CEUs

Building Science Institute (BSI) Verifier


NARI Green

Certified GreenHome Professional



*May be applicable to your local state-based design or contractor license

Bonuses! – Looking to become a National Green Building Standard (NGBS) Verifier? This is one pathway to get qualified for that credential.

All trained LEED green raters are qualified to be GreenHome Inspectors and DOE Home Energy Score Assessors.


Brett Little – Education Manager 

Brett has served at GHI since 2011 and since then has helped oversee the LEED for Homes program ensuring certification over nearly 10,000 units across 100’s projects. Brett helps to instruct or moderate education sessions that are both online and in-person, frequently conducting more than 50 per year. He serves as a LEED for Homes Green Rater on small, affordable housing projects in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area. Additionally, he helps administer Enterprise Green Communities on Low-income Housing Projects across the Midwest region. 


10% off code available for all BPA members on both offerings. Visit your Member Dashboard for the discount code.

$500 for GreenHome Institute Members

$1,000 for General Non-Member Ticket

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