Massachusetts BPA Industry Roundtable Recap
August 12, 2022
Yesterday we registered over 60 participants in our regular Mass BPA industry roundtable virtual meeting.
Guest speaker Katelyn Mazuera from Eversource provided detailed insight into the Mass Save rebate program. Her presentation included rebate and incentive amounts as well as program parameters. Skip Wiltshire-Gordon from AnnDyl policy group gave us a breakdown of the Inflation Recovery Act (IRA) that includes the $4.5 Billion Hope for Homes program sponsored by Senator Joe Manchin.
Peter Troast from Energy Circle did a quick introduction to contractor-led peer groups as it relates to increased weatherization activities in the HVAC marketplace. As always, our call was supported by Steve Cowell from E4TheFuture and Mark Tajima from Energia, along with our newest volunteer Bill Graham from HomeWorks Energy. Thank you to all of the participants on the call for asking great questions, providing good feedback, and helping build capacity in Massachusetts.
We are asking all industry stakeholders to take a brief survey to help us steer activities going forward.
You can view a copy of the recording HERE.
Please consider joining the Building Performance Association and getting involved with your Mass BPA affiliate.