National Home Performance Conference & Trade Show 2023 — What You Need to Know
April 4, 2023
The NHPC happens but once a year — but its effects resound through until the industry meets again a year later! This year’s National Home Performance Conference will be held in Seattle, and there is a lot jam-packed into the four-day event. If you are planning to attend this year, it will take some planning to make sure you can absorb as much as possible! Here are the notable tracks, presentations, must-see events, and can’t-miss opportunities at NHPC ‘23 Seattle.
Welcome and General Session
You won’t want to miss the first session on Tuesday – the Welcome and General session featuring Washington State Governor Jay Inslee. Governor Inslee will spotlight the critical role Washington’s growing energy efficiency sector plays in bolstering the state’s economy and supporting a healthier, more sustainable environment. Additionally, Matthew Ammon, the Director of the Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Henry McKoy, the Director of the Office of State and Community Energy Programs at the U.S. Department of Energy, will also be speaking during the session.
The Workforce Development Track
Attracting and recruiting talent into the better building and energy efficiency sectors is on the minds of everyone in the industry, and the Workforce Development Track of presentations and workshops is likely to be popular among contractors, energy auditors, weatherization professionals, trainers, program administrators, and more. Here are some of the highlights:
Job Posting/Recruiting Mini Workshop (Limited availability!) – Monday, April 17, 1:30 p.m. — 3:00 p.m.
Workforce Development Programs and Partnerships – Monday, April 17, 3:30 p.m. — 5:00 p.m.
IIJA & IRA Impacts on Workforce – Tuesday, April 18, 3:30 p.m. — 4:30 p.m.
Workforce Diversity
A two part session on “Creating and Promoting a Diverse Workforce In Energy Efficiency” will take place on Tuesday starting at 10:00 a.m., but the conversation will continue, respective to each industry, throughout the week. Make sure to check out the multiple workforce diversity presentations on the Workforce Development track.
Using Feedback to Improve Communication and Quality Services
Monday, April 17, 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
If one of your goals coming into NHPC ‘23 is to improve how you run your weatherization program or business, you’ll want to catch this presentation from Susanne Harmelink and Michelle Butler. Getting fresh perspectives can guide how you improve your communication and your services, and attendees will learn how to identify goals and priorities for the type of information to be gathered, determine methods for feedback collection, and create a plan for utilizing results.
Communication at a Crossroads
Monday, April 17, 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Communicating efficiently and effectively is the backbone of success in any industry, and Rana Belse and Suzanne Harmelink will be diving into what makes face-to-face interactions different from the growing need for virtual communication. This presentation will get back to basics when it comes to communicating and will provide the opportunity to participate for attendees that are experiential learners.
Industry Fundamentals Track
For those that are newer to the industry, or perhaps coming to their first NHPC, the fundamentals track covers the basics from leading industry professionals. This track includes topics like:
- Heat Pump 101
- Air Sealing & Duct Sealing Basics
- Zone Pressure Diagnostics
- How to Explain Heat Pumps to Homeowners
- Whole Home Retrofits: The Order Matters
- Infrared Scanning for Energy Audits
- Heat Loss/Heat Gain
Strategies for HVAC Businesses
For those looking to stick to the HVAC track, presentations will include technical advice from experienced pros, as well as advice on how to sell and manage your services. Highlights include:
- Cold Climate Heat Pumps: Do’s and Don’ts
- Heat Pump Water Heaters: Best Practices and an Illustrated Field Guide for the Retrofit Industry
- Pumping Up Training for Cold-Climate Air Source Heat Pumps
Trade Show Floor and Evening Receptions
Meeting others in the industry and learning about the latest technologies available to the energy efficiency industry are equally as important as the brain cramming happening during the daytime sessions. Make sure to spend time enjoying the evening receptions and happy hours, and browse the trade show floor to see demonstrations and displays from top heat pump manufacturers, insulation manufacturers, diagnostics companies, indoor air quality and air filtration companies, and much more.