October 2023 State Updates
October 25, 2023
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BPA State Outreach Updates
Arizona – BPA, in collaboration with the AnnDyl group, received funding from the Energy Foundation to engage Arizona residential contractors in federal climate policy implementation. BPA’s portion of the funds is primarily dedicated to outreach and communications.
Delaware – Delaware BPA has been working on a statewide needs assessment and workforce gap analysis report. The Affiliate is in the final stages of gaining stakeholder feedback on this report and will conduct a public listening and feedback session on Thursday, October 26th at 12 p.m. ET via Zoom. Community nonprofits, contractors, program administrators, and other workforce entities are encouraged to attend. Register here.
Kentucky – BPA secured a contract of $150,000 to deploy a workforce needs assessment, summarize the findings, and begin organization of a Kentucky BPA Affiliate group. The project began on October 1, 2023 and will go through June 30, 2024.
New Mexico – BPA secured a $25,000 contract to assist the City of Las Cruces, NM in conducting a stakeholder meeting and preparing, drafting, and submitting a grant application for the Energy Future Grants funding opportunity. If awarded, the first phase of the project would allocate $375,000 to BPA to lead efforts on a workforce needs assessment for the city and develop a plan for implementing a workforce development program within the communities that are part of these efforts.
Virginia – The BPA State Team attended the Association for Energy Conservation Professionals (AECP) Peer Exchange and presented on the ACE Network and Registered Apprenticeships.
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What’s Catching Our Attention
Michigan – The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) announces the availability of $250,000 in grant funding for projects that accelerate the implementation of energy efficiency upgrades at small manufacturers. The maximum individual grant award amount is $50,000. Applicants must provide a minimum 100% (1:1) match of the total requested grant funds. The program will accept applications until all funds are committed, or March 3, 2024, whichever comes first. Learn more here.
National – The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has released a revised version of the Administrative and Legal Requirements Document (ALRD) for the State-Based Home Energy Contractor Training Grants, which has been renamed “Training for Residential Energy Contractors.” This update introduces several changes, including a new application deadline for states set for January 31, 2024, along with other notable revisions. View the updated ALRD here.
DOE has also improved guidance for states to simplify and expedite home rebate rollouts after receiving feedback on program guidelines issued in July.
Major improvements include:
- Reducing administrative burden by allowing virtual home inspections for the Home Electrification and Appliance program.
- Increasing program flexibility by removing non-essential requirements for home assessments.
- Clarifying requirements for retroactive rebates under the Home Efficiency program.
- Updating eligibility information to provide additional clarity.
- Resolving inconsistencies in funding allocations and income-level requirements.
- Providing definitions for measured path savings estimation methodologies.
California – 10 of the world’s largest manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers of building heating and cooling equipment signed an agreement committing to actions aimed at achieving California’s goal to have six million electric heat pumps installed by 2030. Read more.
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is seeking input on implementing the state’s transition away from high Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerants used in appliances like air conditioners.
New energy efficiency financing to assist low-income and renter customers: The California Public Utility Commission directed the state’s investor-owned utilities to submit a joint proposal for piloting Inclusive Utility investment (IUI) financing, also known as tariffed on-bill financing. Unlike traditional on-bill financing, IUI financing recovers its investment by utility tariff on the customer’s bill, at a level less than the cost of energy savings from the project.
Ohio – The State of Ohio has an RFP out seeking planning, administration, and technical assistance services for Ohio’s Inflation Reduction Act Home Rebate Programs. Proposals are due at the end of October and the State will award that contract sometime in December of this year. At that point, program design will begin.
National – E4TheFuture and E2 have released the 2023 Energy Efficiency Jobs in America report, where you can view details on energy efficiency workers, businesses, and more for each state. View your state here.
The Total Building Performance (TBP) Certificate of Knowledge, a new credential from Building Performance Institute to promote deep energy retrofits, is available now. The TBP will show that workers have the knowledge to plan, assist, and guide residential deep energy retrofit projects to reduce energy consumption by 50% or more.
The TBP covers 8 areas of knowledge needed for a deep energy retrofit. It offers a solid base of knowledge for certificate holders to develop a new line of business and establish trust with customers. The pilot exam is free to the first 500 candidates. Learn More & Apply to Take the Pilot Exam ›
From the BPA Journal
City of Cordova and U.S. Department of Energy Push Envelope of Microgrid Design – Cordova, like so many other cities in Alaska, is not connected to a larger energy system. But unlike other cities, Cordova has historic collaboration from the U.S. DOE that changed the city’s electrical system into a model for resilient and modern technology. Keep reading.
City of Madison’s Step Forward Towards Net-Zero – The City of Madison recently became Wisconsin’s first municipality to adopt an energy benchmarking ordinance that ensures large commercial building owners monitor their energy use and take steps to make their buildings perform at optimal levels. Read the full article.
In Other News
Efficiency First California’s Executive Director, Charley Cormany, penned an article addressing how energy efficiency programs can best ensure quality installations without discouraging contractor participation. Read the article.
BPA State Outreach Coordinators Maria Lewis and Robin Yochum attended the Nevada Women in Trades Summit in Las Vegas last month to spread the word about careers in clean energy. They were also able to discuss the importance of creating diversity in the energy sector and the benefits of hiring more women.

Registration is open for The Clean Energy for Homes Conference & Trade Show, hosted February 13-14, 2024, in Saratoga Springs, New York. This two-day event provides regional education for those working in the state of New York and in surrounding states. We are currently accepting proposals to present at this conference. Submit your proposal by November 6th to be considered.
Join us at the highly-anticipated New England Home Performance Conference & Trade Show, happening on November 7-8, 2023 in Springfield, Massachusetts! Get ready to dive into the latest updates and valuable insights relevant to your work.
Save the date for BPA’s 38th annual National Home Performance Conference & Trade Show. This can’t-miss event brings together thousands of contractors, weatherization professionals, trainers, program administrators, energy auditors, healthy housing professionals, and others working in residential energy efficiency for the latest industry education. Mark your calendar and plan to attend, or register now and reserve your spot!