Summer Energy Efficiency Training
April 26, 2023
BPA is excited to share that the College of the Atlantic (COA) and non-profit Envirolution are partnering to host a 3-day professional learning workshop for Maine teachers on June 19-21st, at the COA campus in Bar Harbor. The workshop includes the full Project ReCharge curriculum, which has over 20 hands-on STEM lessons and access to an online teacher portal. Participating teachers will also receive a full classroom set of tools and materials to lead all the lessons in their school. The curriculum is aligned with NGSS, Common Core, and Social and Emotional Learning standards.
The workshop costs $3,600 per teacher, but the Harold Alfond Center for the Advancement of Maine’s Workforce offers $1,200/per teacher to the school district, making the cost for participation $2,400. Additional funds may be available for scholarships to ensure that cost is not a barrier to participation.
Register by May 15th here.