December 2022 State Policy Updates
December 7, 2022
BPA tracks the latest policy updates and legislative issues in many states across the nation. Read the highlights and find your state and check out the most recent policy news below.
Key State Highlights
In Pennsylvania, the Department of Community & Economic Development will begin accepting applications in December for the Whole-Home Repairs Program. This program will deliver grants to localities to provide financial assistance for low-income homes to improve energy or water efficiency, address health concerns, and make homes accessible for individuals with disabilities.
In New Jersey, draft guidelines for the statewide “Garden State C-PACE program” are in the final stages of review at the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA). The NJEDA launched a new webpage in November to provide information about the implementation of the program and receive public comment on the draft guidelines once released.
In Arizona, new and enhanced energy efficiency and demand response programs were approved by the Arizona Corporation Commission in November, allocating nearly $100 million for utilities to administer the programs in 2023.
In Ohio, the Legislature is scheduled to hold a key vote in early December on legislation that would authorize utilities to administer energy efficiency programs to achieve an annual energy savings goal of 0.5%. The bill (HB 389) passed unanimously through the House Committee in 2021 and is scheduled for consideration on the House floor before potentially advancing to the Senate. At the time of this writing, the House has not held a vote on this legislation.
In Oregon, the Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) is accepting public comments on draft rules for two new financial incentive programs providing a total of $25 million for homeowners and landlords to install heat pumps.