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DOE Issues Early Home Energy Rebate Guidance to States

March 27, 2023

The DOE Office of State and Community Energy Programs has released an Administrative and Legal Requirements Document (ALRD) to states to begin rolling out a limited amount of administrative dollars early to support state implementation of Home Energy Rebate Programs. The ALRD allows states to apply for up to 2.5% of their total allocations from each of the HOMES and HEEHR programs, capped at $2.5M.

These funds are being made available early to help prepare states to apply for future funding and begin the early stages of setting up their programs. States can request this amount for both, or either, of their HOMES and HEEHR allocations. State acceptance of these funds indicates a commitment to apply for full program funds when they are made available. The ALRD recommends that states use these funds for various activities such as capacity building, strategic planning, workforce development, coordinated program delivery, and consumer outreach and education.

Note: The ALRD is not the official guidance on the Home Energy Rebate Programs, which we expect to be released mid-summer 2023.

BPA is working with State Energy Offices across the country to help advise states on how to utilize funding and resources available in the IRA and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). Contact Xavier Walter to learn more about how BPA can help you strategize and optimize the use of these funds.

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