Resource Library
The latest resources for the home and building performance industry
Our online resource library contains industry resources, including downloadable PDFs, webinar playbacks, videos, and reports. This library is continually updated to include the latest information and educational content.
Careers in Green Buildings, Energy Efficiency & More
Explore the Green Buildings Career Map to learn about jobs and opportunities in the green buildings and energy efficiency industry.
DOE: Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit Insulation and Air Sealing Essentials
Access DOE's guide that walks contractors and homeowners through key elements of home insulation and air-sealing products that can lower utility bills and qualify for tax credits.
RMI: Green Upgrade Calculator
This free modeling software enables energy pros to swiftly analyze the lifetime cost & environmental benefits of common residential decarbonization solutions like rooftop solar, weatherization, heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, & induction cooktops.
DOE: Contractor Training Module
This is an introduction for contractors on how to leverage residential energy efficiency incentives for their customers.
DOE: Better Buildings Event Calendar
View the Better Buildings Event Calendar for info on upcoming webinars, peer-exchange calls, meetings, and industry workshops and conferences.
Building Science: Ventilation
Watch to learn about the building science behind proper home ventilation.
DOE: Tax Credit Product Lookup Tool
This tool can determine if an appliance meets certain eligibility criteria for the Federal Energy Efficient Home Improvement tax credit.
Case Studies: How to Craft Modular Ventilation Solutions
Watch to learn from six specific, unique situations where air quality was an issue for families.
The Clean Heat Standard White Paper
Read the whitepaper about the Clean Heat Standard Program that would ensure that Vermont’s heat suppliers and local enterprises transform their business's greenhouse gas emissions and fossil heating costs in Vermont buildings.
Building HVAC Science Podcast: The Demand for High Performance Contracting Services with Peter Troast
Listen to the Building HVAC Science Podcast discuss the demand for high-performance contracting services with Peter Troast, CEO of Energy Circle.
Brilliant Basic Tools for Building Science: Psychrometric Wheel Calculator
Watch the Psychrometric Wheel Calculator video to learn how to make one of your own.
BPA: Virtual Nevada Contractor Roundtable on Home Energy Rebates
Recording of BPA's virtual Nevada Contractor Roundtable discussion on November 14, 2024.
Passive House Accelerator Magazine: Current & back issues
Explore Passive House Accelerator Magazine's current & back issues full of case studies and innovative ideas.
Home Performance: Tips for HVAC Quality Control Targets and Specs for Builders and Contractors
In this video, Corbett Lundsford talks about HVAC quality control targets and testing.
Better Buildings Toolkit: Engaging Tenants in Energy Efficiency
Read about how a building’s occupants can control up to 80% of energy use in a commercial building. Therefore, engaging tenants in energy efficiency initiatives is crucial to unlocking the full energy savings potential of a building.
Submit a Resource
If you or your organization have educational content that would benefit BPA’s network, please submit it using the form below. Once we receive your submission, a member of our team will be in touch with the next steps.
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