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Training Library

The industry’s collective resource for home performance training and education

Browse our extensive library of certification training, continuing education opportunities, exam preparation, and on-the-job learning. Here you can find in-depth courses, programs, and opportunities from some of the industry’s top training providers and experts.

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Green Training USA Logo

IICRC Continuing Education Credit (CEC) Courses

Our engaging online courses are created with proven adult learning methods, and taught by professional instructors who are experts in their fields.
Green Training USA Logo

ASHI Continuing Education Credits (CE)

THE EASY WAY TO EARN ASHI CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS (CE’S) Choose a pre-set Continuing Education package or select individual courses…or mix and match to get the exact number you need.
Green Training USA Logo

NARI Continuing Education Units

Green Training USA Logo

NAHB Continuing Education (CE Credit Hour Courses)

These engaging courses offer all the convenience of online learning, with phone and email access to an instructor. You will gain relevant knowledge that you can use in the field.
Green Training USA Logo

AIBD Continuing Education Credit Courses

Watch engaging online courses taught by experienced adult educators who are experts in their field.
Green Training USA Logo

Understanding Energy Efficiency in Real Estate

As home buyers become more concerned about energy efficiency, and local bylaws are requiring energy efficiency ratings for home sales, realtors need to know the answers to their clients’ questions and concerns.
Green Training USA Logo

SPF Assistant Exam Prep Course

The SPF Assistant certification is specifically designed for those assisting in the installation of spray polyurethane foam in thermal insulation installations. SPF Assistant duties may include assisting in equipment and job set-up, substrate preparation, material handling and staging, moving of hoses/scaffolding/ladders, masking, trimming, clean-up and other non-spraying tasks.
Green Training USA Logo

Job Site Safety Course

The online Jobsite Safety Course provides entry-level construction, weatherization and insulation workers with the general awareness to recognize and prevent hazards commonly found on construction sites.
Green Training USA Logo

OSHA Confined Spaces – Attics and Crawlspaces

This course reviews the requirements, responsibilities and procedures under Subpart AA of 29 CFR 1926 in an easy-to-learn multimedia presentation. Go at your own pace, start and stop when you want. You can even watch the course on your smart phone!
Green Training USA Logo

NATE Continuing Education Hours (NATE CEH Credits)

This is the easiest way to earn your NATE CEH continuing education credits. Log into your course from anywhere, anytime for 90 days. Forget trying to earn 1 credit here and 3 credits there. And you will gain valuable knowledge that you can apply in the field while you’re at it.
Green Training USA Logo

WELL AP Exam Prep Course

The course provides an introduction to WELL and the WELL certification process and covers all 7 WELL concepts, WELL features and requirements, and extensive exam tips.
Green Training USA Logo

Water Damage Restoration Technician Training

The Water Damage Restoration Technician course is a fact-based training program for front-line workers responding to water damage in homes and other buildings.
Green Training USA Logo

Home Energy Score Assessor Training

This course will help you successfully challenge the DOE’s Home Energy Score Exam – and provides the skills required to work in the field as a Home Energy Score Qualified Assessor. The course also provides a solid foundation for a career in the green industry.
Green Training USA Logo

ASHRAE 62.2 Residential Ventilation Assessment

This course is designed for Energy Auditors to assess existing ventilation systems and prepare work scopes. You’ll learn how ventilation systems work, how to assess existing ventilation systems to determine if they’re in compliance with the ASHRAE 62.2 Standard, and how to bring non-compliant systems into compliance.
Green Training USA Logo

ASHRAE 62.2 Mechanical Ventilation Design and Installation

This course provides an in-depth understanding of how to size, choose, install, test and document a ventilation system to comply with the ASHRAE 62.2 Standard. It’s everything you need to know, as well as the forms and spreadsheets you’ll need in the field.

Submit a Training

If you or your organization have educational content that would benefit BPA’s network, please submit it using the form below. Once we receive your submission, a member of our team will be in touch with the next steps.