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Building Performance Association West Virginia Logo

BPA State Affiliate

West Virginia BPA is an official BPA State Affiliate, representing the state of West Virginia. We have organized to foster mutual collaboration and the exchange of information and ideas as we support West Virginia's expansion of home and building performance and energy efficiency businesses and industries. We also seek to provide meaningful input into policies that impact our small businesses.

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West Virginia BPA & BPA National Membership

West Virginia BPA members are also members of BPA and enjoy all of the same benefits, including event discounts, policy support, tools, and resources. If you're not yet a member, learn more and join today!

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West Virginia Workforce Development Needs Assessment

View the full assessment which draws upon surveys from BPA’s DOE-funded national needs assessment to determine West Virginia companies’ needs, which will further identify the training and technical support required to grow the local energy efficiency industry.

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Recent Updates

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April 29, 2024

April 2024 State Updates

A graphic featuring a map of the United States with the words "BPA State Update March 2024"
March 26, 2024

March 2024 State Updates

Blue background with the shape of the United States. The text on the graphic includes, "BPA State Update, September 2023"
September 21, 2023

September 2023 State Updates

West Virginia State Resources

State-specific downloads, links, and more

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E4TheFuture: 2021 West Virginia Energy Efficiency Jobs

See the West Virginia Efficiency Jobs Report by E4TheFuture.

Download this BPA resource

Call Notes – WV Roundtable – January 7, 2022

See the notes and findings from the WV roundtable on January 7, 2022

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ACEEE West Virginia State Fact Sheet

See West Virginia's ACEEE scorecard for energy efficiency policy and program efforts.

More About West Virginia BPA

West Virginia was ranked #48 on the ACEEE scorecard of the most energy efficiency-friendly states and 7th in the Nation for energy consumption. The state’s electric utility rate averages lay squarely in the middle of the country at #25. It is estimated that West Virginia will need an additional 7,600 energy efficiency workers by 2030.

The West Virginia Affiliate of the Building Performance Association has organized to bring all relevant stakeholders together in one place around energy efficiency, healthy homes, and workforce development.

Get Involved

To get involved at the state level or share feedback, complete this form. If you have a specific question, our state outreach team will contact you shortly. Otherwise, you'll be added to receive state-specific emails and information.

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