Resource Library
The latest resources for the home and building performance industry
Our online resource library contains industry resources, including downloadable PDFs, webinar playbacks, videos, and reports. This library is continually updated to include the latest information and educational content.
BPA: New Fact Sheet: State Home Energy Rebate Programs
This fact sheet covers the HOMES Pathway for energy saving upgrades and the HEAR Program for electrification and appliance rebates. It also provides key details on rebate timelines and program status.
Indoor Environments: Does CO2 Equal IAQ with guest Andrew Persily
Indoor Environments welcomes Dr. Andrew Persily to discuss indoor air quality and its impacts on health and comfort.
Build Science 201 Videos
Watch Building Science 201 videos to utilize building science to avoid common mistakes through careful planning and protection strategies.
Build Science 101 Videos
Watch the Build Science 101 videos series hosted by Matt Risinger and Steve Baczek. The series is an educational journey aimed at building professionals, urging them to delve deeper into the science behind construction.
ACEEE: Building a Workforce for Energy-Efficient Homes
ACEEE report profiles programs that are expanding the residential energy-efficiency workforce
The Build Show Podcast
Listen to a collection of building science discussions on the Build Show Podcast.
Building Performance: Building Science Basics
Building Performance offers a comprehensive series of Building Science Basics videos on YouTube.
Sawhorse: Building Science Videos
View Sawhorse case studies focusing on building performance topics.
BPA: Federal Programs Update for Arizona Contractors Webinar
Watch the recording of BPA's webinar for Arizona contractors for updates on HOMES and HEAR.
IREC: Green Workforce Connect
Visit Green Workforce Connect to explore careers in solar, wind, and building performance.
DOE: Better Buildings Webinars
Sign up for upcoming Better Buildings Webinars or watch archived videos on demand.
EfficiencyFirst CA: Industry Events Calendar
Check out EfficiencyFirst CA's popular industry Events Calendar!
Weatherization Stories from the Field | Episode 1: The Birds
Watch as Eric Nelson shares a story of a time he performed a home energy audit for an elderly couple.
DOE: Weatherization Program Notices and Memorandums
Find active Program Guidance, including Weatherization Program Notices and Memorandums on this resource page.
ACEEE: 45L Tax Credit for New Energy Efficient Homes Fact Sheet
Read the ACEEE 45L Tax Credit for New Energy Efficient Homes Fact Sheet
Submit a Resource
If you or your organization have educational content that would benefit BPA’s network, please submit it using the form below. Once we receive your submission, a member of our team will be in touch with the next steps.
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