See the latest information, event updates, and insights from the Building Performance Association.
Virtually Support Residential EE Programs on Capitol Hill
These events have concluded. Thanks to all who supported energy efficiency! Do you care about HPwES? Home Energy Score? Government support for other residential energy efficiency initiatives? Well, now is your time to tell them!…
Celebrating 35 Years With 35 Stories: John & Casey
Last week began our interview series celebrating our 35th annual home performance conference. This series highlights 35 amazing people that work in our industry by allowing them to tell their stories. This week, we’ve got…
Celebrating 35 Years With 35 Stories: Steve, Suzanne, & Andy
In April 2021, the Building Performance Association put on our 35th annual home performance conference. And, just like many of our members, we’ve been on quite a journey to get where we are today. We…
NHPC 2021 to be 100% Virtual
“It’s like déjà vu all over again.” – Yogi Berra It is with heavy hearts that we announce the move of this year’s National Home Performance Conference to a fully virtual event. It was our…
BPA Submits Comments on Pennsylvania Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Regulations
Last week, the Building Performance Association submitted comments on the Pennsylvania Environmental Quality Board’s (EQB) proposed amendment to Chapter 145 to establish a trading program for carbon dioxide emissions and join the Regional Greenhouse Gas…
2020 Regional Education Series – New England Recap
Offered completely online, this regional offering included live and on-demand content. Sessions covered nationally relevant topics like diversity, back to work in the COVID-19 environment, heat pumps, and federal policy updates as well as region-specific…
BPA Represents Ohio Members & Stakeholders to Oppose House Bill 6
Building Performance Association, along with members of the Ohio business community, will provide testimony today, November 16, 2020, at 2:00 p.m. ET to oppose House Bill 6 (HB 6). The virtual panel will highlight the…
Pennsylvania PUC Denies Energy Efficiency Program Shutdown
The BPA petition against the attempts by the Industrial Energy Consumers of Pennsylvania to shut down funding for and the implementation of energy efficiency programs in Pennsylvania was a success! BPA filed the stakeholder signed…
BPA Is On the Lookout For State Policy Shifts and Potential Opportunities on Election Day
While so much attention is focused on the Presidential and Congressional races, BPA has also been monitoring state elections – because so many policies and programs that impact the energy efficiency industry are designed and…
2020 Regional Education Series – Midwest Recap
Offered completely online, this regional offering included live and on-demand content. Sessions covered nationally relevant topics like diversity, back to work in the COVID-19 environment, heat pumps, and federal policy updates as well as region-specific…