Construction Math
Construction Math CEUs: 0.8 ICC Area and volume calculations, perimeter measurements, roof angles and variations, and how to calculate those odd architectural features are all covered in this course. We’ll dust off and revisit some math, geometry, and algebra skills as well! Registration Fee: $160.00
Read MoreCombustion Safety and Combustion Safety Testing
Combustion Safety and Combustion Safety Testing CEUs: ICC 0.7 This course is about combustion safety in our homes and residences. We will define the Combustion Appliance Zone(s) (CAZ), discuss the combustion process and elements of combustion safety, and understand the multiple combustion appliances we may have to evaluate, as well as testing protocols and visual examination.…
Read MoreBuilding Science and the Building Envelope
Building Science and the Building Envelope CEUs: 0.4 ICC The building envelope plays a large part in the amount of energy our homes use. This course introduces you to construction terminology, takes you through a quick history of home construction and home energy use, and dives into the details of building envelope energy flows. You will…
Read MoreBecome a LEED Green Rater
With over 2 million LEED® for Homes™ registered spaces worldwide, LEED is the international rating system to ensure better residential buildings. LEED requires third-party on-site verification and performance testing by a LEED Green Rater, and demand is growing. Now, residential and mixed-use projects of any size can go under the LEED for Homes rating system. If you’re interested…
Read MoreAccess all GHI CE BPI Webinars On Demand
The GreenHome Institute is proud to be an Ally of BPA and offer our courses to BPA members. Nearly 20% of our webinar attendees seek BPI CEUS, and BPI Non-Whole-House approves 99% of our courses. We seek whole-house CEUS on upcoming courses, so be on the lookout. Our courses are also CE approved for Green Business Certification…
Read MoreHome Energy Score Assessor Training
THIS COURSE IS BPI RECOGNIZED FOR 4 CEU CREDITS & APPROVED FOR 8 ASHI CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS This course will help you successfully challenge the DOE’s Home Energy Score Exam – and provides the skills required to work in the field as a Home Energy Score Qualified Assessor. The course also provides a solid foundation for a…
Read MoreBPI Building Analyst-Tech Training & Testing
Our entry-level BPI Training prepares you to become an Energy Auditor and take the BPI certification exams. Gain skills in using a blower door and combustion testing equipment for improved efficiency. Learn about building science, thermal boundaries, moisture, pressure boundaries, and more. Building Science Principles (BSP) is a prerequisite and may be bundled for half-off…
Read MoreA History of Radon
In this course, you will be taken on a journey full of heartbreaking stories, fascinating accounts, and surprise discoveries from the history of radon, where truth really is much stranger than fiction. These amazing stories provide you with a greater understanding of radon, shown in the broader context of the events that led us to…
Read MoreWest Virginia Home Inspectors Continuing Education Credit Courses
Earn West Virginia Home Inspectors continuing education credits the easy, fast and affordable way! These engaging online multimedia courses were created specifically for adult learners, and provide lots of useful knowledge you can use in the field. Sign in whenever you have time, and go at your own pace. CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSES APPROVED FOR WEST VIRGINIA HOME INSPECTORS All…
Read MoreGreenHomes America Online Training
Your Resource for Home Performance Training Courses Who Should Use Our Online Courses? Who We Are Hello! Let me tell you a little about GreenHomes America… The GreenHomes America Online Learning Portal is a resource for Home Performance training courses. This learning portal is a branch of, our Contractor page full of resources to help…
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