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Maine: State-Based Energy Efficiency Contractor Training Grants Program Webinar

A banner that reads "Webinar, January 10th at 12PM"

Date and Time: January 10, 2024 – 12:00 PMLocation: Zoom State-Based Home Energy Efficiency Contractor Training Grants provide funding for states to develop and implement clean energy workforce development programs. This winter, the Governor’s Energy Office (GEO) in Maine will prepare and submit an application that aims to reduce the cost of training contractor employees, provide testing…

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BPA’s 2023 Resource Roundup

Image with a book icon and the text "2023 Resource Roundup"

BPA keeps the industry informed on best practices, new technologies, and policy within the home performance industry. This year, we’ve seen the Inflation Reduction Act come to life and continued growth across the home performance industry. We’ve put together a roundup of some top resources from 2023. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Resources BPA was thrilled…

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Kentucky Energy Efficiency Workforce Needs Assessment Survey

A graphic with the words "Kentucky - Energy Efficiency Needs Assessment Survey"

Calling all weatherization agencies, energy efficiency businesses, employees, and contractors in the home services sector in Kentucky ~ Take 15 minutes to participate in the Kentucky Energy Workforce Needs Assessment Survey. Complete The Survey > This survey is designed to identify the hiring needs, workforce development gaps, and accessibility barriers facing program managers, energy efficiency businesses, employees,…

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Registered Apprenticeships: Building Career Pathways in Energy Efficiency

Image of two men using technology that says Building Career Pathways in Energy Efficiency, National Apprenticeship Week logo Nov. 13-19, 2023

By: Brook Vernon, State Outreach Coordinator More than 2.2 million Americans work within the energy efficiency space, according to the recent Energy Efficiency Jobs in America report by E4TheFuture. Why then are careers in energy efficiency not more well known? Plumbers and electricians are recognized as necessary trades for the performance of a home; however,…

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Clean Energy Jobs in Maine: Which Job Are You Best Suited For?

inspector with vest kneeling outside near heat pump

In the state of Maine, significant strides are being made towards clean energy and energy efficiency. Following the 35-A MRSA § 10119 legislation signed in 2019, the Climate Action Plan set an ambitious target to install 100,000 new heat pumps by 2025, with 15,000 of these installations being for income-eligible households. In the four years…

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National Home Performance Conference & Trade Show Grows with Integration of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s National Healthy Homes Conference

Photo of the Minneapolis skyline. Overlaid is the NHPC'23 logo and text that reads, "National Healthy Homes Conference Integrates Into The National Home Performance Conference & Trade Show."

In 2024, the two conferences will integrate to drive closer collaboration between the home performance and healthy housing industries. Pittsburgh, PA, October 18, 2023 – The Building Performance Association (BPA) and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH) have announced they will integrate the…

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Weatherization Resource Round Up

Background of a constructions site and text on top that reads, "10+ weatherization resources, Weatherization month 2023"

In celebration of Weatherization month this October, we have a series of helpful weatherization resources available below. Weatherization Installer Job Aids and Single-Family Interactive 3D House › DOE: WAP Guidelines for Home Energy Professionals › NASCSP: WAP Webinars › DOE: State WAP Programs – Interactive Map › Whole Home Performance HVAC: Energy Efficient, Heating, Cooling,…

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How to Talk to Homeowners About Energy Efficiency

Background of a home performance contractor with a couple. Text overlaid reads, "how to talk to homeowners about energy efficiency"

It’s Energy Efficiency Day! Homeowners throughout the country are more aware of energy use in their homes today than ever before, but many don’t know what to do about it. They’re looking for a contractor that can meet them on their level and bridge the gap for them. We’ve put together some ideas about how…

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