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DOE Publishes Outreach, Technical Assistance, and Application Resources

Exterior of a home with solar panels on the roof

An Update from the Office of State & Community Energy Programs: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has released the following resources to help state and territorial energy offices (SEOs) apply for and implement the Home Energy Rebates: Education and Outreach Plan Required Elements: DOE is providing this document to help SEOs develop an Education and Outreach Plan for their Rebate…

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Department of Energy: Home Energy Rebates Update

Washington DC Capitol building with U.S. flag out front

New and Revised Technical Assistance Documents AvailableFrom the DOE Office of State and Community Energy Programs The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has released the following resources to help state and territorial energy offices (SEOs) apply for and implement the Home Energy Rebates. Required Elements of a Community Benefits Plan: Each state and territory must submit its Community Benefits Plan and…

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