Posts Tagged ‘wfd’
Become a Certified Residential Energy Inspector / Plans Examiner – Free Course
Full-Day Course for West Virginia Residents Join our comprehensive full-day course designed to prepare you for the ICC Residential Energy Inspector / Plans Examiner Certification Exam. This intensive training, conducted by experts in the field, will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel at taking the exam and earn your certification. The…
Read MoreSummer Energy Efficiency Training for Teachers to be Held at College of the Atlantic
College of the Atlantic and the non-profit Envirolution are teaming up to host a 3-day professional learning workshop for high school and middle school teachers here in Maine. The curriculum meets NGSS, Common Core, and Social and Emotional Learning Standards, and tuition is being subsidized by the Harold Alfond Center for the Advancement of Maine’s…
Read MoreShare Your Experience: Delaware Needs Assessment Survey
Are you a weatherization, energy efficiency, solar contractor, or workforce training provider doing work in Delaware? Are you struggling to recruit employees to help you meet your business goals in residential buildings in Delaware? Are you excited about the potential for new consumer incentives to create more demand for your business, but also wondering how…
Read MoreBPA Releases West Virginia Workforce Development Needs Report
The Building Performance Association (BPA) recently published the “West Virginia Workforce Development Needs Assessment,” which is the first step in a longer-term commitment to market transformation. The report draws upon surveys from BPA’s DOE-funded national needs assessment to determine West Virginia companies’ needs, which will further identify the training and technical support required to grow…
Read MoreBPA Awarded Funding for Statewide Needs Assessment in Maine
Governor Mills announced $5.4 million in climate investments, including $2.5 million in clean energy workforce development grants awarded through the Clean Energy Partnership. BPA is one of 9 organizations that were awarded funding, with projects anticipated to engage with over 1,600 individuals; attracting new workers to the clean energy and energy efficiency workforce, providing career…
Read MoreTraining Tennessee’s Upcoming Workforce the EnergyRight Way
During the Building Performance Association (BPA)’s National Home Performance Conference in Nashville, BPA and Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) co-hosted an offsite workforce development workshop at Goodwill’s training facility. This event showcased TVA and Goodwill’s pilot partnership to create a viable pipeline of qualified workforce entrants into construction and energy efficiency-related jobs by integrating building science…
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